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JUB RSS Feed Options

RSS, often described as "Really Simple Syndication," allows web users to create a menu of always updated content sources, making it easy to stay on top of the action at your favorite sites. offers a selection of RSS feeds that provide updated information from around the site. Scroll down to view our selection of feeds and place the ones that interest you into your RSS reader for a constantly updated stream of JUB content! If you're new to RSS or would like more information, click here for futher details.

JUB also offers some of our feeds by email. By subscribing, you'll receive a daily digest of either our Eye Candy or Newswire sections delivered right to your inbox. There's no spam, and we'll never share your email with others... you'll simply receive a daily email featuring your favorite content so you don't miss a thing!

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How can you use RSS?

RSS feeds can be incorporated into a variety of different "readers," giving you access to the headlines in a variety of different ways.

Blog software: For example, RSS feeds are commonly incorporated into weblogs. Blogs are web pages comprised of usually short, frequently updated items and web links. Blogging as a publishing tool is used for purposes: traditionally journalism, personal journals, group discussions around a topic, and many combinations in-between.

News readers or aggregators: These software programs will collect, update and display RSS feeds from any number of sources. A number of free and commercial news aggregators are available for download. Some of the most popular news readers, according to Yahoo!, include:

Web browsers: Some web browsers, including Firefox, allow you to incorporate RSS feeds that will be downloaded and viewable through the browser. In the case of Firefox, they are called "Active Bookmarks." Internet Explorer users can download a plugin called RSSExplorer.

Personalized web sites: Some web sites that allow readers to personalize their pages -- My Yahoo!, for example -- also allow you to incorporate RSS feeds onto your personalized pages. You may click the "Add to My Yahoo!" button to add a feed directly to your personalized page in Yahoo!.

To sign up for RSS feeds, select the section above that interests you from the list on this page. Click on the orange XML button or section title and follow the instructions for your particular news reader to subscribe to RSS feeds. You may also click the Yahoo button if you have a homepage setup there and wish to include that feed. Other services like Google Homepage will also allow you to show any or all of our freeds.

For additional information about RSS, try these sites: