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On-Topic Tim Tebow: He's baaack!

So, that's a no-go on the hot right winger cosplay then? -_-

See, if I tied you up and spanked you - you'd enjoy it far too much - and where's the fun in that?
What hypocrisy? More like bringing up a different topic in this thread, and Obama is a man who supports gay people and equality. Tim Tebow most certainly does not. This begs the question... why bring up irrelevant topics? Connectivity? Nonsense. Obama is in favor of equality... Tebow made his feelings pretty clear. And again with the Rev. Wright crap. Doesn't prove anything really. That has been debunked so many times over.

I guess some are still hurting from the whipping they had at the election. Unless one is a republican... they seem to enjoy a bit of S&M. :##:

And looking at this THREAD... it SAYS ON-TOPIC. Meaning NOTHING ABOUT OBAMA.

i honestly can't figure how u get thru the day

as for Tim Tebow - I can't find anti gay or homophobic statements - but I'm open to reading them and changing my mind

as for doing FOR OTHERS, TT is one of the best at it

I don't think he's much of a QB - for the NFL anyway - but he's a leader and a winner - based on FACTS

here in this thread, not seeing much of that

oh yeah - Tx Beau thinks he's a phobe and wants to fuck it out of him - that's strong stuff ;)

Tim Tebow Foundation, which helps brighten the lives of orphans and children with life-threatening diseases, raised over $4 million in its first year, according to The Huffington Post.
I wouldn't say I get angry, just vaguely disgusted. I understand where you're coming from, but here's what skeeves me out about it:

-If he's aligned with Focus on the Family, he's aligned with people who basically, based on their body of statements about gay people, at best want us to be beaten and at worst want us wiped out completely. If you want to have sex with someone who gives tacit approval to those kinds of sick, neo Nazi-esque people, then in my mind you're choosing to reward that kind of behavior/thinking. Unless you actually see sex as a punishment and not a reward, in which case you have some kind of a fetish that I don't even want to touch with a ten-foot fucking pole.

-The guy already has enough undeserved, blind adulation without people he's actually attacking deciding to bolster his public image by obsessing and endlessly ogling over the guy just for his looks. Fair or not, aesthetics actually count for a lot in our society, and praising him for that is just giving him stronger legs to stand on when we should be MARGINALIZING him for giving cover to American fascists.

We're actually in agreement on a lot more than you think. ;) (I just don't like the way you choose to make your points a lot of times.)

Well, I don't know anyone who's obsessing over Tebow. He comes up when he comes up - usually in here. If I thought he had anything useful to say to anyone - I'd be talking about that, but no, at present the only contribution to the world he's making is his appearance.

What the rest of that is, is you WAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY over thinking things. Do you honestly think I actually care all that much about Tebow? If I was actually in a room with him, I can guarantee you the conversation would be short and acrimonious. Do you think I'm somehow excusing his 'phobia? Nope. No - I'm having some humor at his expense.

I'm sorry if that isn't serious enough for you.
First and foremost, before I post in this thread, I gotta thank my lord and savior, Jesus Christ.

Also, John 3:16

Okay, that was a joke.

Now I would like to post a letter from Omid Safi, a Professor of Religious Studies at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Mods: Since this is an "open letter" from a blog, I do not believe it a violation of copyright to post the letter here in its entirety.

An open letter to Tim Tebow about God’s love, and associating with hateful Christians

Dear Tim Tebow,

This is an open letter from one of your loyal fans. I’m from your hometown of Jacksonville, Florida. All three of my siblings went to UF, a place that has enshrined you as perhaps the greatest college football player ever.

I’ve got that September 2008 speech of yours after the Ole Miss game committed to heart, as one of the most inspirational examples of leadership I have ever seen in my life.

I have followed your career since high school, and have admired you. (I even put up with the Tebowing thing, though it wasn’t my cup of tea.) But now comes news that you’re going to be speaking at the First Baptist Church of Dallas, TX.

Tim (can I call you Tim?), for the sake of God (literally) look up a few things about the pastor of this church, Pastor Robert Jeffress, to see if this is the kind of person that you would want to associate with. I know you are a praying man, and I ask you to pray in your heart, and compare his views with what you know about Christ in your own heart.

Everything I have learned about you tells me that you see Christ as the gateway of God’s love for this world. I ask you to look up Pastor Robert Jeffries, and see if this sounds like someone you would want to associate yourself with. Here is what Pastor Jeffries says about Jews: “You can’t be saved being a Jew.”

He calls Islam a “heresy from the pit of hell”, apparently the very same part of hell as Mormonism.

As for his further elaboration on Islam, he discusses:
“The deep, dark, dirty secret of Islam: It is a religion that promotes pedophilia – sex with children.” Yup, he actually said that.

Tim, you’re a good man, and you know what racists do when confronted with their racism. They resort to the old “I’m not a racist, some of my best friends are black” kind of BS. And this is literally what Pastor Jeffress does when called on his hatred towards Muslims, except that apparently he has just one Muslim friend:

“We do not hate Muslims…I have a very good friend here in Dallas who is a Muslim.”

This is the same Pastor that goes on Fox to perpetuate the rumor that President Obama is a Muslim. Oh yeah, and that the President is “paving the way for the Anti-Christ.” Yup, he really did say that.

And you know what the Pastor says about Gays/Lesbians. And you probably know what the Pastor says about our Catholic friends, part of a Babylonian Cult. Yup, he said that too.

Tim, I am not asking you to theologically change who you are. I am simply asking you to think about how many look to you to embody a certain model of high-profile Christian athlete/celebrity. You can be who you are, stand for what you stand for, and represent Christ without associating with hateful zealots like this. You don’t need his podium, and you actually end up validating his hatred by preaching from there.

As I have said before, some people tend to be equal opportunity haters. Once they have made the ultimate sin of closing their heart to one portion of humanity, it becomes easier and easier to closer their hearts to more and more segments of humanity. Hate and prejudice is contagious, and they spread till the whole of a heart is infected.

I have never met you, I don’t know you personally, but I have always gotten the sense that you care about your legacy beyond football, that football has been a podium from which you can reach people through God’s love. I don’t know what is in the future for you, but I do know that God-willing you will do great things by bringing God’s love into the service of humanity. And I pray that your own standing is untainted by associating with people whose hearts have become hardened towards God’s children.

Even if one believes that Muslims and Jews and Catholics and Gays/Lesbians and Mormons (and probably many others) are in error, I know that Christ reached out to sinners in love and kindness.

I pray that you choose to act more like Christ, and less like some of Christ’s hateful followers.

As you often say, God bless.

Omid Safi
(official Tim Tebow fan for a loooong time)
Professor of Religious Studies
No Rareboy - it's the age old "...if you argue with me you're oppressing me.." bullshit. Tolerance isn't tolerance unless you shut up and don't argue - any dissension from MY opinion is bigotry unless you just agree.

Blah de blah, de blah blah blah. One can dress it up in a new frock and call it "tautology," but underneath... come those tired old tits...

That exactly. That's always the defense of people defending the indefensible. "You're being closedminded about my closedmindedness and not tolerant..."

Eh, people like that are hopeless.

I've found that in the age of the 24-hour news cycle, there's this need to present both sides of every discussion as equally plausible/valid/respectable.

So many people have bought into this tortured logic, and the result is a built-in defense for anti-gay bigots. Anyone who vehemently opposes their unfounded and prejudiced opinions is supposedly doing so out of "bigotry" because, well, having an anti-gay position is just as valid in the eyes of the brainwashed masses as being accepting.

These people have simply watched too much bullcrap masquerading as news to understand that sometimes, not all sides of an argument are equally valid or worthy of respect.

That's exactly what's going on. The new paradigm today and the news is the best example of it is "you're biased if you aren't giving equal credence to every viewpoint, or the opposite of every viewpoint, regardless of how facts or reason or research or reality variously supports the two sides."
i honestly can't figure how u get thru the day

as for Tim Tebow - I can't find anti gay or homophobic statements - but I'm open to reading them and changing my mind

as for doing FOR OTHERS, TT is one of the best at it

I don't think he's much of a QB - for the NFL anyway - but he's a leader and a winner - based on FACTS

here in this thread, not seeing much of that

oh yeah - Tx Beau thinks he's a phobe and wants to fuck it out of him - that's strong stuff ;)

blah blah blah.

Once again the horse you back is the one that will lose the race.

Mr Tebow, by associating with this church...unless he stands up and tells them that they are wrong in their intolerant thinking, will be seen as endorsing the brand of crazy that has very real and hurtful consequences. Now we understand, that in your own personal history before the epiphany on your own road to Damascus, this may not mean much...but to the vast majority of us homos...I have to say that we really don't give a shit if you think this mediocre and not very good looking lump is some kind of mother Teresa for supporting orphans.

I love orphans too. But I refuse to give some religious fundamentalist a pass when they attempt to ruin my life at the same time that they are praying like a Pharisee out on the 50 yard line.
What a perfect thread for the intolerant gay bigots to enjoy. What goes around comes around folks. Remember gays are only 2% of the population. That isn't a very strong position from which to start.


What are you doing here? Leave this gay, cock-sucking forum community, as clearly this is not your scene and you've joined the wrong website!
blah blah blah.

Once again the horse you back is the one that will lose the race.

Mr Tebow, by associating with this church...unless he stands up and tells them that they are wrong in their intolerant thinking, will be seen as endorsing the brand of crazy that has very real and hurtful consequences. Now we understand, that in your own personal history before the epiphany on your own road to Damascus, this may not mean much...but to the vast majority of us homos...I have to say that we really don't give a shit if you think this mediocre and not very good looking lump is some kind of mother Teresa for supporting orphans.

I love orphans too. But I refuse to give some religious fundamentalist a pass when they attempt to ruin my life at the same time that they are praying like a Pharisee out on the 50 yard line.

blah blah blah is right up ur alley

and the kids whose lives are made much better by Tebow's kindness and efforts

don't mean shit i guess

how many lives have you helped ? like he has

so stay on ur high horse and by all means don't fall

that bubble must be uncomfortable
and the kids whose lives are made much better by Tebow's kindness and efforts

What about the kids whose lives will be made much worse by Tebow's celebrity validation of hatred against them?

As you say, they:

don't mean shit i guess

Nothing would make me happier than Tebow going to the First Baptist Church of Dallas and telling those bigots to their faces that they are wrong about so much of what they are doing. That tearing down your fellow man is neither Christian nor American. That it is the duty of Christians everywhere to love, not hate.

But, I would be very surprised if he does that. Tebow is not that great of an NFL quarterback. And, I'm sorry to say that it is beginning to appear that he is not that great of a Christian, either.
I don't see how speaking to the congregation is in anyway validating anything

but that's not as good a story as yours
I don't see how speaking to the congregation is in anyway validating anything

If Obama had agreed to speak to a rally of the American Communist Party, I rather expect you would be screaming bloody murder.

But, somehow, it doesn't make sense to you when Tebow does it.
^ actually Pres. Obama sat in Rev. Wright's church for how long ?

sat in the congregation

life isn't always so simple is it

Judge a person on the totality of their words/actions

Tim Tebow has done much good more than all the bandwagon combined
What about the kids whose lives will be made much worse by Tebow's celebrity validation of hatred against them?


If you want to hold up someone endorsing a rather fanatically anti-gay-rights organization because that organization helps orphans, you need to work on your complete lack of a self preservation instinct and get your nose out from between the buttcheeks of a stratum of society that would like to see you without equal rights.

^ actually Pres. Obama sat in Rev. Wright's church for how long ?

sat in the congregation

Oh that's right it's totally equivalent, Rev. Wright being a loud critic of American foreign policy or social inequality is completely the same thing as supporting organizations that would like to codify 2nd class citizenship for gay people into law. #-o

P.S. MLK Jr. was a very loud critic of exactly the same two things. Have a problem with him?
if you want to dishonor MLK by putting rev wright in the same sentence by all means

not even close
Tebow is a bozo who's going to be a NFL dropout eventually. Yep, get ready for Rev. Tim Tebow everybody. Heavens preserve us.
^ actually Pres. Obama sat in Rev. Wright's church for how long ?

sat in the congregation


Obama sat in the congregation.

Tebow is taking the podium to speak alongside Robert Jeffries.

There is a world of difference between failing to speak out publicly against things with which you disagree, and actively advocating on behalf of evil.
if you want to dishonor MLK by putting rev wright in the same sentence by all means

not even close

They both loudly criticized foreign policy and social inequality in the U.S.

Care to detail at all what exactly is so evil about Rev. Wright that was the polar opposite of MLK Jr.?

I'm sure you can't, because at best it comes down to one statement of him condemning the U.S. in a speech which Fox News played endlessly, but ultimately what they were saying was exactly the same message.
Who gives a fuck about Reverend Wright? Last I checked this was a thread about Tim Tebow and it was designated ON TOPIC. Lets keep it on topic. I don't care about Wright... that issue was debunked ages ago. Obama was pro-gay marriage in 1996. So what's the point here? Keep up the red herrings.

It's 2013, not 2008. Get with the times.

the POINT ........

is the "guilt by association" thing is not so grand

try to slow down and read sequentially

"read" being the key

it's been my point all along

and it's been your miss all along