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The Official Let's Rescue AshyPhoenix Thread

I will fart on your donuts bitch.
Demoted to 1st Assistant Chef under LilBit.


I wouldn't be too worried actually. He does have his tendencies of going to and fro.
I can be of some assistance here. Him and I were Facebook friends. Yes, folks, unfortunately he fell off the wagon again from what he's told me. We're no longer Facebook friends. I suppose if someone wanted to message him on there, I can help you track him down.

I am not trying to pry, but he told you this and then... unfriended you? What happened?

I am tearing up right now.

Ash is a special beautiful person and I want him to show me Canada one day so that we can be equally bored.

I wish him well and if you get to message him again, tell him we are still here for him.
hope dude's okay. just left us on a cliffhanger in regards to whatever drama he was about to go through in regards to him and his sister.
Two folks gave me contact information. I've contacted him both ways, left messages at both. I'll let you know if I hear anything.

:help: I hope Ashy's alright.

God that song and video always hit me like only a very few have ever done.

Haven't heard it in years. Knew I shouldn't have played that, as I've now got a bad case of watery eyes and a lump in my throat. :eek:


Sending all my thoughts and wishes to Ashy! (*8*)
Same for me, ChickenGuy. I love the song but I avoid listening to it more than a couple times a year because it's so sad.
I appoint youfiad as official team francophone, model and translator. ;)
Oh, no foul play intended. It's just a personal issue that was kind of a sensitive spot, especially out in the open. Unfortunately, I don't know too much. His Facebook status updates, while frequent, were usually references to songs or movies. He never really shared any personal family information, and when we talked it was the same. It was usually nonsensical ramblings. I do hope he's okay. It upset me immensely that he relapsed and that's what worried me the most but prompted me to make a silent exit out of the troubles he was facing. It may have been selfish, but I was doing more harm than good. :( I miss talking to him.

I totally understand. (y)