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No Animated GIFs The Blue-State Suicide Pact - an interesting take on taxes

Ask the question: do you really think every city should be equally affordable?
Ask the question: do you really think every city should be equally affordable?

It would certainly be an interesting experiment.

A lot of increased cost has to do with urban planning. As an example, almost the moment Oregon adopted "urban growth boundary" rules, the price of housing inside that boundary went up, and continues to rise. Why? Because there's only so much land, and only so many people are willing to live in vertical warehouses in little boxes all the same.
Ask the question: do you really think every city should be equally affordable?


the point is not "EQUALLY AFFORDABLE"

the point is the absurdity of no index on federal income as it relates to effective tax rates

250k as a set # is DUMB and not FAIR

the point is not "EQUALLY AFFORDABLE"

the point is the absurdity of no index on federal income as it relates to effective tax rates

250k as a set # is DUMB and not FAIR

Well, then no number at all is "FAIR".

$250k/yr is a lot of money no matter where you are -- and people making that did just fine before the Bush cuts.

$500k/yr is an absurd amount of money anywhere you live -- and that would be a good place to add another percent or two for the bracket.

$1mn/yr is ludicrous no matter where you are -- and that would be a good place for another bracket with another couple of percentage points.

the point is not "EQUALLY AFFORDABLE"

the point is the absurdity of no index on federal income as it relates to effective tax rates

250k as a set # is DUMB and not FAIR

If I'm smart enough to live in a place that gives me good value for money, why do you think I'd be dumb enough to vote for a tax system that subsidised somebody else's choice to live somewhere expensive with exemptions indexed to their lavish cost of living?
I'm beginning to suspect that Chance's taxes are about to go up.
If I'm smart enough to live in a place that gives me good value for money, why do you think I'd be dumb enough to vote for a tax system that subsidised somebody else's choice to live somewhere expensive with exemptions indexed to their lavish cost of living?

I reject your smart dumb context.

The issue as the president stated.

Is fairness

the definition of wealthy is not the same based on your state
The issue is certainly fairness. People who eat caviar and drive porsches and live in Manhattan cannot claim poverty because their cost of living is high.
Sure they can claim it, if the rest of us buy it that's our fault not theirs.
The issue is certainly fairness. People who eat caviar and drive porsches and live in Manhattan cannot claim poverty because their cost of living is high.

Cliche much ? ;)
If I'm smart enough to live in a place that gives me good value for money, why do you think I'd be dumb enough to vote for a tax system that subsidised somebody else's choice to live somewhere expensive with exemptions indexed to their lavish cost of living?

But we in NYC are subsidizing the red states, not the other way around.

One main problem with the tax code here is the alternate minimum tax ("AMT"). I am covered by the AMT, which means I pay a flat federal income tax and can not take most deductions, except charitable deductions and mortgage interest. I cannot even deduct New York State and New York City income tax or property tax. Ronald Reagan instituted the AMT (something all you anti-tax, tea partying Ronald Reagan lovers should think about).
Explain this mortgage interest deduc….wait; I've found it.

Okay seriously. You're allowed to write off the cost of the mortgage on your expensive house, or is there a cap or something?
Explain this mortgage interest deduc….wait; I've found it.

Okay seriously. You're allowed to write off the cost of the mortgage on your expensive house, or is there a cap or something?

Not the principal, just the interest.

By the way, one bedroom apartments in my neighborhood can sell for over $1 million. An expensive home here doesn't mean it's a mansion.
Cliche much ? ;)

My point is, the price of real estate in a given locale reflects the amenities of that locale, whether it be cultural attractions, scenery, recreational activities, more opportunity for advancement, etc. If a person wants to live in the midst of a lot of amenities, they will pay for their choice. It does not mean other people should give them a disproportionate deduction on their tax bill because a bunch of people are willing to pay a lot more than average to live near a bunch of amenities.