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Judge Sentences Teen To Church


Lex. Icon. Devil.
Feb 3, 2007
Reaction score
Denver CO
It's bullshit. He should be kicked off the bench and kept from practicing law. If he loves church so much, hr can go be a priest.

One of the reasons this American now living in London will never live in the U.S. of Shit ever again
While I don't see anything wrong with the others part of his probation,the church part is indeed a violation of the seperation of church and state,plea deal or not.
Was it the Judge's church...or does the guy have a choice of churches?

Unless I'm misinterpreting this, the guy has a choice:

The judge could have sent Alred to jail but, instead, taking into account his clean criminal and school records, sentenced him to wear a drug and alcohol bracelet, participate in counseling groups and attend a church of his choosing - weekly. He must also graduate from high school.
^ Well that certainly opens up a world of possibilities.
This kid was under the drink drive limit, the entire point of a drink driving limit is that it's the point at which driving is affected beyond an acceptable level. Therefore the fact he had been drinking before having the accident is irrelevant. If they want to punish him for underage drinking then fine, treat it as a separate charge and don't combine it with the driving accident.
Whilst I abhor the ruling and generally agree with the sentiments above, I fear were this ruling challenged, he may spend time in jail. Which, honestly, would be a proper sentence for one drinking and killing a passenger.

I'm not surprised it's happened before. The hubris this jurist exhibits on the bench is astounding.

What defines a church? In Greek, Jesus describes 'church' as a gathering of people ("the called-out ones"). So, were two people to get together and discuss $christian_stuff, I would consider it 'church'.
One of the reasons this American now living in London will never live in the U.S. of Shit ever again

wow i've read that so many times it boggles the mind.

now stop calling yourself american.