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Self conscious around teenagers... wut?

Raincoat Massacre

<3 Kelly Clarkson <3
Mar 23, 2006
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Under your bed...
This is going to sound really weird but anytime I encounter a teenager or a group of them, I suddenly feel very self conscious. I get nervous and flustered as if they are silently judging me. As a teen I was awkward and shy and felt this very same way when I was around other teens. I find this odd because I am 26 and haven't been a teenager for a while. Shouldn't I feel like, I don't know... the adult? Anyone ever feel like this? :confused:
I used to feel the same around straight men of any age especially when they were talking about sports. I think it's a self-esteem issue related to early vulnerability. The antidote is self acceptance and perhaps a wider circle of friends. Getting to know some teens might also help as long as attraction isn't an issue.
yep, being ridiculed in high school by groups of teens, always and still does make me feel uneasy. I try to get out their eye-shot ASAP. so youre not the only one.
I kinda understand. Teens are usually loud, annoying and when they're together is even worse, they have no respect for anybody and would do anything just to be funny. So I understand how you could feel uncomfortable and afraid they might make fun of you.
Well, I don't feel nervous around them unless they are hood-rats. (Some) Teenagers nowadays are so disgusting and disrespectful towards life that they are willing to hurt or even kill people!

Also, if I come across any teenagers who feel superior and bully others, it's their luck coz I'm gonna fire at them and flay them alive verbally!
I still have some of that problem, and I'm 27. What I do about it is, when my instinct is to take another route to avoid them, I just don't. In their eyes you're an adult, so you have nothing to really be nervous about.
I have to admit I feel quite reassured after reading this. I get the same sort of uneasy, 'fight or flight' anxiety when passing or amongst a group of teenagers that I perceive could be potentially threatening. I have no doubt that a lot of 'adults' have felt the same way at one point or another, and in my case it's clearly a psychological relic from stressful school years as a teenager surrounded by aggression and prejudice.
Rule #1: Never let 'em see you sweat.

Applies to dogs and teens....... (y)
I feel the same way & I just turned 19. I just act superior to any group of teens (especially straight guys), as if I'm too good for them. I'd rather be looked at as an asshole than a loser. I get along better with an older crowd.
This is going to sound really weird but anytime I encounter a teenager or a group of them, I suddenly feel very self conscious. I get nervous and flustered as if they are silently judging me. As a teen I was awkward and shy and felt this very same way when I was around other teens. I find this odd because I am 26 and haven't been a teenager for a while. Shouldn't I feel like, I don't know... the adult? Anyone ever feel like this? :confused:

That's probably why you feel that way. I feel a little self-conscious too and it's probably because I remember how hyper-judgmental and insecure almost every teenager was when I was in h.s.
I just realized this too. I try to behave myself or act a certain way when I am around teenagers.
I know the feeling. Some of them are extremely loud, obnoxious and disrespectful and I hate to see some act that way in public. I just ignore them though and go on about my business.
I feel like this all the time and I'm only 21. I had a problem with a group of guys in my last year in high school and after graduating never heard from them til roughly 8 months later when they showed up at the same place I was meeting up with someone and they were insulting me for the way I looked and whatnot. It went on for a full month then it was the odd time, in which case they started calling me a fag right to my face. All of that caused me to be scared about going out, finding a job, and dating guys. I even had to avoid walking past certain spots because I know some of their hangout spots. I feel they completely ruined my life, and now when I see a group of guys, I panic. They haven't bugged me in over a year now, but I can't help but think they'll be right there waiting to say something. I've been seeing a therapist for over a year now, and he totally understands what I'm going through. I'm now taking baby steps to try to get my life back to when I didn't have to worry about them.
I feel like this all the time and I'm only 21. I had a problem with a group of guys in my last year in high school and after graduating never heard from them til roughly 8 months later when they showed up at the same place I was meeting up with someone and they were insulting me for the way I looked and whatnot. It went on for a full month then it was the odd time, in which case they started calling me a fag right to my face. All of that caused me to be scared about going out, finding a job, and dating guys. I even had to avoid walking past certain spots because I know some of their hangout spots. I feel they completely ruined my life, and now when I see a group of guys, I panic. They haven't bugged me in over a year now, but I can't help but think they'll be right there waiting to say something. I've been seeing a therapist for over a year now, and he totally understands what I'm going through. I'm now taking baby steps to try to get my life back to when I didn't have to worry about them.

Those motherfuckers. I hate bullies, I don't understand why they have to make such big efforts to make other people feel like shit. I hope they get gay children.
^Because their lives suck and they figure everyone's lives should be terrible. I was bullied all through my years in school. No one ever stood up for me, not even my own brother. I had almost no friends. School was just terrible for me. I was bullied every day. I've been punched in the face twice by the same guy, almost got in fights I never wanted to be in. The teachers always wanted to blame me for what was happening to me. I had to switch classes in the 7th grade because someone just wouldn't leave me alone, and that never helped. It's really sad they got nothing better to do.