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Triple G Appreciation thread

Good evening my friends. Hope you sleep well tonight.
My schedule must be off. I keep missing everybody,

Or something. Not going there. Anyway, sweet

dreams desert rat. BTW, tropical storms can be

exciting and beats the living shit out of sleet or

snow (blizzards) and we both know about

tremblors eh? I mean like whats shakin' man

means something different out here eh?
Good morning Trips (*8*)

I am just having my first cup of "Black Jack" coffee from the Riverbank Roasters.

It is very good, and their muffins are scrumptious.
^ Sounds great. It's the last of the Dragon again today, but will open a bag of WB tomorrow.
Hey Trips

saw the Surgeon today, one eyelid is lower than the other, so he wants to re-do the operation. I told him he was crazy and would never go through that again. I also told him I would never buy a used car from him.
Artiste's can be that way. I'm glad they're much better than they were.

Very sensitive area for the surgery. Understandable why you wouldn't want to jump under the knife again.
dynk, I know what you mean. After four reconstructive surgeries on my hand I refused the fifth as it was working well and I was satisfied with as it was. 32 years later I see it was the correct decision.
Good morning Trips

I am satisfied with the operation and he can go fly a kite. I don't like him anyway.
Are you anywhere near a BJ's? They have some craft Extra Virgin Olive Oils that the bring in seasonally.
Not designer boutique olive oils, per se, but a notch above their big bottles.