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the last film you watched thread

This afternoon, I watched Dead Again (it was the fiftieth time at least, may be my favorite)
dead again.jpg
Movie marathon! :gogirl:

Season of the Witch

The Green Hornet

The Company Men

The Mechanic

The Rite


Brighton Rock

The Eagle

Gnomeo & Juliet


I Am Number Four


Drive Angry

(and yes they're all from early 2011 - that's how far behind I am on my list) #-o
Big agri-business is bad. Food, Inc. (2008).

Because the subject of the film was an accomplished artist, the filmmakers tried to be very artful.

Francis Bacon, Love is the Devil (1998), it didn't work.

Mortality inspires introspection. Cherry Blossoms (2008).

It was released on Blu-ray and DVD Tuesday 03.26.2013. I rented it from a local video store that very day.

I post most often in the Current Events/Political forum. So, naturally Lincoln would appeal to me. A very well-crafted film. It's easy to see why it was such a strong presence at the Academy Awards and why Daniel Day-Lewis won his third statue. Sally Field and Tommy Lee Jones are also terrific.

As for other "last film," you watched, I can refer to my subscription for cable-television programming. It doesn't necessarily lend itself well to this thread.
Shelter. Not the awesome gay romance but another film with the same title. It was a psychological thriller. Pretty decent. Julianne Moore was in it.
A gigantically awful Bollywood experiment plagiarizing a Stephen King short story. No Smoking (2007).

Ode To Billy Joe, watched it last week end on DVD which it was just released this year on for the first time. Its one of the films made by Max Baer Jr and is about a doomed romance between the movies name sake and a girl in the south. Every thing changes when Billy Joe has a gay encounter which he is unable to come to terms with under 1950's standards of his time. Max Baer is an unrecognized pioneer in films by taking on gay issues when this film was released in 1976.