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The Political Cartoon Thread

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Hey Centex old boy.....
Sorry no written out joke cartoons today...
these are more in keeping with austerity
and reduced expectations..forgive me?





I'm really apolitical, any humour on any side to get through these times!
^ When we all go over the "fiscal cliff" the Republicans are going to get the blame, and they know it. Despite how Fox News and the Talk Radio tries to spin it.

Obama can't run for a 2nd term, but the GOP needs to start running if they want to win the midterms in 2014 and maintain control of the House. (y)
^ When we all go over the "fiscal cliff" the Republicans are going to get the blame, and they know it. Despite how Fox News and the Talk Radio tries to spin it.

They're going to get the blame because the vast majority of Americans know that we used to have much higher taxes on the wealthy and it didn't hurt them at all. They hear the voices of people like Warren Buffet who says plainly that the rich could pay twice what they are and wouldn't hurt at all. And many know that the Republicans killed five million jobs in the last few years by clocking what was basically Republican legislation. In other words, despite the cheerleading, most Americans know that the Republicans have been part of the problem, and they aren't going to forgive more of the same.
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