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Dec 6, 2010
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I know some people think they can change meanings.

Hipsters and the artistic think they're above the rules of normal men but what is this new fashion I see in CE&P which says—

Irish people are 'not white'

Italian people are 'not white'

You took this directly from a CE&P discussion and if you felt like discussing it in the thread it came up in, you should have posted there.
They're saying these Irish people aren't white


The intellectual elite bend any meaning to meet their intellectual conceit

They're saying these Irish people aren't white


The intellectual elite bend any meaning to meet their intellectual conceit


No we aren't. We discussed the historical fact that Irish were classified as non-white officially and socially in American history, and you are presenting that point out of its context in direct response to that discussion, except you ran away to another forum to do it in a new thread and presented it in an intentionally context-omitted manner.
I suppose the intellectual elite would judge the southern Italians to be more non-white than the Northern Italians.
I suppose the intellectual elite would judge the southern Italians to be more non-white than the Northern Italians.

As someone who clearly doesn't belong to the intellectual elite, trying to make suppositions seems an exercise in futility, no? :)

I am LOVING how you're using the term "intellectual elite" as if it's an insult, and not an honor.

By the way, you are American, living in America. Just as an fyi :)