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Sea monster caught in New Jersey... scary

And as a shark, it's your duty to warn us about these hideous creatures.

Of course.

Check out these things-- if anyone recalls, two years ago or so uncontrolled population explosion of these jellyfish was resulting in capsizing fishing boats that accidentally caught one of these in nets. Also, they completely ruin anything that touches them, slimy toxin all over any fish it touches.


I guess they don't look so nasty underwater cos when I Google imaged 'deep sea vent worms' there were these pretty red flowering things.

Some variety of those, yeah, obviously a different type, though if you see them pulled out of their tubes (which are like shells) they're nasty as hell. Like inside-out earthworms.
I guess they don't look so nasty underwater cos when I Google imaged 'deep sea vent worms' there were these pretty red flowering things.

What's pretty on the outside may not always be pretty on the inside :eek:

Stuff that washed up (yeah a lot of them are known species, but still odd looking) after the SE Asian tsunami.
Some of them look like they are reference for Pokemon or Digimon.