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The color of a cock - attraction

Jun 6, 2011
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Obviously all gay guys are going to be attracted to penises. I was wondering whether/how the color of a penis affected your attraction to it. I know for me, while I'm generally not into African american men, there's something about a very dark cock that's wild, sexy and alluring in a more animistic way (and before you think I'm racist, my ethnicity is a hybrid of Indian/Black/White :p). Even more so, when someone with white/brown skin is in the possession of a dick significantly darker than their skin color, it completely drives me crazy (so much so that I ever created a thread about it ). If they're uncut it's even greater, as there's more dark skin to see :eek:. What about you guys?
No specific color gets me interested any more than another. Same with size and thickness. :)

I'm attracted to this color...
Oh. It's race thread time!

Lemme open up my Ruffles.
I don't think it's really a matter of race, as anyone can have a darker colored one. Don't get me wrong, light ones are amazing too :p.
There was a time in my life when I thought I wouldn't like certain colors of dick.

Then I met this awesome guy who had such.

And I changed.
A yummy cock's a yummy cock, irrespective of its shade of brown (we're all a shade of brown :p)
Yep, I love dicks of colour - but I'm attracted to the whole man, not just a specific body-part.
I know for me, while I'm generally not into African american men, there's something about a very dark cock that's wild, sexy and alluring in a more animistic way (and before you think I'm racist, my ethnicity is a hybrid of Indian/Black/White :p).

apparently, you don't post often. i would like to tell you to don't change that.
Doesn't really matter.

*But* I have once seen a porn clip where an uncut dark, black guy had a very light, bright almost pale glans (like many redheads). The effect when he was moving his foreskin was kinda cool :)
I dated a guy that had very white skin, but his junk was considerably darker then the rest of him. I thought it looked pretty damn erotic, perfectly framed by his thick, black pubes.
I prefer lighter cocks. But ofcourse the whole package is what really counts.
I dated a guy that had very white skin, but his junk was considerably darker then the rest of him. I thought it looked pretty damn erotic, perfectly framed by his thick, black pubes.

Maybe he was an avid ‘furry’ who liked to play in the sun.

Did he ever make cute growling noises in bed?
I had a boyfriend that was unfoundedly ashamed of his erect penis; it had a darker hue just above his circumcision scar. I still thought/felt it/him to be magnificent, and that quirk only made me love his cock just that much more.
Maybe he was an avid ‘furry’ who liked to play in the sun.

Did he ever make cute growling noises in bed?

He actually DID make the cutest little whimpering noises just as he was about to cum that just made me melt... but I don't think he was a "furry". I'm guessing the color difference was somehow genetically related ?
It not color of dick that gets me its that load thicky creamy cum.