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I called it.

Americans don't care too much when kids get murdered.

Otherwise, they'd do something about it.
Americans don't care much when children are left to starve or die from lack of health care, either. The fetus had better not be harmed in any way, because it has MORE rights than children. Off topic, I know, but that's what the post made me think ot.

Rareboy & Bankside are 2 Canadian Jubers always on the Outside looking in &

And have you noticed how Rareboy & Bankside havent said ONE freaking word about the Shootings and Stabbing on New years day in Toronto? But they will WAIL on America till their hearts content....It's their usual tag-team event here...
Nothing wrong with having Canadians comment on policies such as this. After all, Canada borders this country for thousands of miles, and what happens here cannot be entirely kept out of their country; some effects from it will inevitably spillover.

I didn't hear about the thing(s) happening in Toronto.

I see validity on more than one side of the issue - including those who many of us call the "koo-koo, removed-from-reality crazy tin-foil-hat, the-sky-is-falling right wingers" who fear the fate if the "guns are taken away" and the government therefore entirely has its way. I can see this happening, as both political Parties have strong totalitarian elements in them (one SOMEWHAT more than the other - your interpretation of this may vary).

I do believe that it would be impossible for a disarmament to succeed, at all - unless accompanied by egregious and complete breakdowns of all privacy (i.e. the Government has the right to search you, and any or all parts of your property - owned or rented - at any time, for any reason, without your consent).

Nothing short of that would remove more than a small percentage of guns from those who already have them illegally.

If that, may God, Karma, chance (from JUB?), or something, BE ON OUR SIDE if the entire criminal world comes to believe that those who usually abide by the laws (such as farmers) will generally be unarmed. Home invasions would become easy. In the north New York suburbs and exurbs we even have a newspaper which recently published a map of which homes will be UNARMED if the legal guns are surrendered.
No; the right to self defence is obvious and moral. The pretence of self-defence using an outmoded technology that is more likely to cause problems than solve them is where the immorality comes in. Self defence is best exercised through disarmament.

Do you actually believe this nonsense?
He should. It's proven to work in Europe. And by the way, China as well. They may have a ton of problems on all conceivable levels, but gun deaths really aren't among those.

Places with gun control have > 0 violence and < gun deaths than in America. That's an embarrassingly simple concept and my heart bleeds every time a right winger on here mangles it.
Where is rareboy tonight in this thwarted discussion?

I'm summoning him. I'm burning two black candles flanking a plate of beluga caviar, sitting on a chess table in the middle of a large, imposing, otherwise unfurnished hall. Now I just need to sing the Canadian anthem after spilling the blood of an American.
He should. It's proven to work in Europe. And by the way, China as well. They may have a ton of problems on all conceivable levels, but gun deaths really aren't among those.

Places with gun control have > 0 violence and < gun deaths than in America. That's an embarrassingly simple concept and my heart bleeds every time a right winger on here mangles it.

Those places without gun crime have significantly higher levels of other crime and violence though. Its a trade-off. Its also complete nonsense to believe that disarmament will end violence.
I'm summoning him. I'm burning two black candles flanking a plate of beluga caviar, sitting on a chess table in the middle of a large, imposing, otherwise unfurnished hall. Now I just need to sing the Canadian anthem after spilling the blood of an American.

Did you overlook the Petrus?
Those places without gun crime have significantly higher levels of other crime and violence though. Its a trade-off. Its also complete nonsense to believe that disarmament will end violence.

And so nobody has ever claimed that. It will end/significantly lower GUN violence though, which has by far the highest fatality rate. Sure, beatings will be more, and also stabbings and such, but all of those are much more difficult to do than pulling the trigger from a distance. The "trade off" you mention is absolutely welcome as far as I am concerned.
It is funny.. this thread. It exposes many things about many people posting in CEP.

I will leave it at that.

almost (not quite) as obnoxious as "I called it"

sort of a junior "i called it"

the wonderful part of "i called it" is not the absurdity of a thread stating for all hear that the author nailed it - was correct - high five city - i'm the bestest

it is that he's patting himself on the back and is wrong

Rareboy & Bankside are 2 Canadian Jubers always on the Outside looking in & FOREVER Bashing & Running their mouths about our Country. The President met with MSNBC Producers and Commentators to make sure the discussions about Guns (and many other issues) would continue. MSNBC is keeping it front & center 7 days a week all day. American Jubers know the gun Control issue is still a Hot Topic because we Live here but Stone Throwers that don't live here are stuck on cluelessness...

And have you noticed how Rareboy & Bankside havent said ONE freaking word about the Shootings and Stabbing on New years day in Toronto? But they will WAIL on America till their hearts content....It's their usual tag-team event here...

Amen...But please don't encourage anyone to move back to The States when they say such negative things about our Country...

quoted for EXTREME truth
^ translation required ........ r u speaking in canadian ? ;)
^ translation required ........ r u speaking in canadian ? ;)

Another one of those posts. Non-translatable.

so glad it's just not me :)

WTF !!!!

So does that mean that I have to sit with the kids who rode the bus to school, or who's parents made their clothes for them instead of purchasing them from a department store, or catalogue? :rolleyes:

Glad to see that the two of you have developed your own little "mean girls" club.

I'm so insecure as a person, that many of us can't wait to toss our personal integrity under a bus to join! (y)

Tex you wouldn't be talking about gloating when you appear to have won the conversation or gotten one over on another CEP'er would ya? You are not equating rubbing one out with being overly satisfied with one's self.


Subtly eludes many. I would imagine the short bus would have to be regular sized for CEP....

Just my Two cents!