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just venting, airing out, talking shit, personal beefs, problems, anger management, and etc thread

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We phuquing hate potty mouthing...

man, i was watching the discovery channel just now and i have to get this off my chest. I AM SO SICK AND TIRED OF SEEING SHOWS ABOUT ALASKA. THAT SHIT IS WACK! change it to the weather channel, coast guard alaska. change it to the discovery channel. something about alaska. change it ot national geographic and alaskan state troopers. the fuck i care about what's going up there for? that shit is boring as hell. they all are fucking "reality shows" too. :##: let's move on to something fresh and new. i could give a fuck less about what's going on in alaska.
^Alaska gives some people a sense of adventure, RJ.

My first cousin lived in Fairbanks for many years. He'd travelled the world, and found Fairbanks his favorite place in the world.

On the other hand,I sure do agree with you about the reality shows. Enough Kardashians already! Plus, the redneck shows have to go.

well, it might make someone want to go out hiking or walk in the woods nearby them but i don't see anything entertaining about these shows though. there's nothing exciting or even interesting about them. the most boring of them all is that show where they catch crabs on the boat. i think it's called the deadliest catch. that show is BORING. don't see how that show has millions of viewers. they're pretty much doing nothing.

Yeah, but Alaska's not the only place on earth that can/should give people a sense of enchantment. Whither variety? I'd like to see things about the South Pacific, Central Asia, Australia, Patagonia, etc. Hell, even if they have an ice fetish, they could change it up by going to Kamchatka or northern Scandinavia.

yeah, it would be interesting if they actually went elsewhere. hell, there's places in the 48 states way more interesting than what's going on in alaska. all these shows which are boring as all hell. :rotflmao: @ ice road truckers. i remember the last time i went to see a movie and we were waiting for the previews, they had the nerve to advertise that wack ass tv show. they tried to make it extra dramatic where the truck went off the road and started backflipping. the concepts they come up with are not even remotely fascinating. they have a show now about searching for gold in alaska. :##: nobody gives a fuck.
okay, i am currently going to war with myself and i intend on winning.

i'm trying to not get myself to go back to sleep. just woke up 10 minutes ago.

i'm fighting the anxiety that i have which is making me act irrationally. i closed my curtains last night before i went to sleep and had myself two cups of tea. that is against my protocol because i believe that my personality will change or i'll get scared from if i do either or both. so i decided to as a 26 year old man to face my fears and close my curtains and drink some tea. so far, as far as i'm concerned, i am the same person. i want to win my war against anxiety and ocd so i can go back to living a normal life. that's what i want to do. a normal, productive, happy, joy-filled life. i now realize that i have the power to control my life when i accept things for the way they are such as being gay and learn how to control things that i can change (such as drinking tea, closing the blinds and going to sleep.)

hopefully within the next year, i can be fully out of the closet as i already came out to my immediate family and can be on my way to law school. (!)
i have the power to control my life when i accept things for the way they are such as being gay and learn how to control things that i can change (such as drinking tea, closing the blinds and going to sleep.)
And, of course, knowing how to figure out whether a "problem" is something that you can change, or cannot change.

Hey looky-looky, he's posting with lower case "i" when talking about himself. He must be the resurrection of Andreus!! (Sort of a parody comment inspired by another thread...)
And, of course, knowing how to figure out whether a "problem" is something that you can change, or cannot change.

Hey looky-looky, he's posting with lower case "i" when talking about himself. He must be the resurrection of Andreus!! (Sort of a parody comment inspired by another thread...)


And, of course, knowing how to figure out whether a "problem" is something that you can change, or cannot change.

Hey looky-looky, he's posting with lower case "i" when talking about himself. He must be the resurrection of Andreus!! (Sort of a parody comment inspired by another thread...)

:rotflmao: that other thread where there was about to be a catfight over the return of andreus was pure comedy.
I think they focus on Alaska because of its accessibility, Razzie. One doesn't need a passport, or a visa, or anything--Alaska is just a whim away. It represents a part of us as Americans.

What annoys me the most about the Alaska shows is that they focus on the flanneled lumberjack/Northern hick aspect of it. In fact, Alaska stands one of the most racially diverse states in the Union. Fairbanks itself has about a 10% black constituency; one black woman I'd known who lived in Anchorage absolutely loved it, and said she felt completely comfortable living there as a black woman.

But TV shows don't show any of this richness, only the stereotype of Northern hicks. I hate it with a passion.

exactly, i don't know how it is alaska but all they focus is on how alaska has trees, bears, beavers, gold, winter, and state troopers. you can find that anywhere in the lower 48 except for florida.
I've done as much house cleaning as I was gonna do tonight, and the gargoyle's feeling a bit pudgy in his loincloth, so I flew on over to JUB to see what was buzzing. And it's still all complaining and finger-pointing and laughing about the complaining and finger-pointing. Hell, I may as well go mop the floors.

GODAMNIT!! I've been attacked by my own eyelashes..

since yeasterday they were curling inside (maybe because of freeze) and tickle my eyeballs..

gosh ...HATE EM!! X_X :dead:

i feel your pain breh. mine was fucking with me today too. they weren't tickling my eyeballs though. more like stabbing them.

another thing too. can virgins have a libido? if they can, mine is FUCKING WITH ME RIGHT NOW!!! looking at tumblr with naked guys and porn is not fucking helping me either. i beat my dick before i went to the gym, was able to clean my room for my cousin tomorrow and i come back. i go to the gym, bang out my chest and tricep work out, and what do you know, man, my ass drive home, playing d'angelo's voodoo album and i realize to myself, that DAMN, i could sure get some ass right now. #-o

you see, i don't think i deserve it though. i still live at home in my parents house, i have no job, have no money, and i pretty much am a kid in a grown man's body. sex is for adults and i don't feel like one mentally and to a degree, physically but mentally, i feel like i'm 15. i feel like at this point in my life, i don't deserve to have sex. i need to get my act together before i can start fucking.

the flip side to this though is that that might take a whole lot of time and i'm already 26 years old. i viewed the whole coming out process the same way to where i was contemplating about whether i should wait til i become a cop or go off to school where i could move out the house so come out to my parents and my brother. i thought that i should get my life together before i came out then i realized that if i approached it like that, i would never come out. i don't know what could happen tomorrow. i could die, end up in a coma, crippled or whatever so why am i waiting to start living my life? i think that i might just say fuck it and find me a guy to drill my insides. not just any guy though but someone who i can trust with my butt or my dick.

i know that by this time next year if i'm alive and well, i will be out the closet to more people even fully out and i don't think i'll be a virgin. i think i'll be busy dating and having sex. i can't see myself being a virgin at 27, not with the way i'm thinking and feeling. i actually feel a bit embarrassed that i waited this long to start having sex. the older i get, the more far behind i realize i am in a lot of things. it's embarrassing to say that i never kissed before at my age. :( i'm content with being single and not having sex for the moment BUT i'm not content knowing that i've never had sex before or kissed anyone for that matter.
I'm kind of irritated with Black Friday and all of its ugliness. I have no problem working tomorrow (if I hadn't made it known, I work as a sales associate at Walmart now where I've been since early October). The store is hosting a luncheon for us associates working, which is nice of them. I asked for the morning shift, uncommon for me since I usually work the evening into the night. They willingly gave me a short day so I can spend it with family.

However, even though I won't be working the 'events,' which will happen at 8 PM, 10 PM and 12 AM, the entire aura of Black Friday is as ugly as the name. It makes Thanksgiving look like a joke so people can save money on something they truly don't need. It takes away from the entire premise of the holiday, even if it's a day after. Cyber Monday I have absolutely no problem with, because it's not stealing the limelight from a holiday celebrating giving thanks.

I'll still be working on Friday, just later in the morning cleaning up all the mess from those who came and trampled their peers, elders and children to get the first copy of the latest video game. Such a joke this 'holiday' is...Black Fucking Friday.

i agree with you. the friday after thanksgiving is the WORST day to work or for that matter to be out on the street. between that and christmas eve. just don't wild out on any of these crazy ass people because i'm sure you're going to have some people that are going to simply use that day to push your buttons.
^ Yeah. It all does seem a bit stupid and "extra".

I understand what you mean, counterspade.

the commercials don't help either. i HATE those "every kiss begins with kate" also known as "buy a diamond, grind some hymen" commercials. they have a new one where they're trying to advertise to stepfathers where the stepdad actually buys the stepdaughter a diamond necklace. #-o really, breh?
I just don't watch any ads if I van help it.

New first-world bitch. I wanted to reward myself with some ice cream after cleaning house, so I went next door to the shop...which closed early for Thanksgiving. Fine, screw you - I'll have hot sake instead. :)

Hey looky-looky, he's posting with lower case "i" when talking about himself. He must be the resurrection of Andreus!! (Sort of a parody comment inspired by another thread...)

One of my very close JUB friends often speaks highly of Andreus. It's very clear that he cared for him greatly.

He's away at the moment, but when I saw that thread yesterday, I saved the link hoping to send it to him so he could read it when he returned. I thought he would have really liked to join other JUBbers in reminiscing about Andreus, and that perhaps he could have learned something new about the life of a man who obviously meant so much to him.

Unfortunately, with the direction the thread has taken, part of me is hoping it's gone by the time he gets back. It infuriates me that people have the audacity to shit all over such a wonderful thread, and I'm really glad I waited for the thread to develop instead of sending the link immediately.
One of my very close JUB friends often speaks highly of Andreus. It's very clear that he cared for him greatly.

He's away at the moment, but when I saw that thread yesterday, I saved the link hoping to send it to him so he could read it when he returned. I thought he would have really liked to join other JUBbers in reminiscing about Andreus, and that perhaps he could have learned something new about the life of a man who obviously meant so much to him.

Unfortunately, with the direction the thread has taken, part of me is hoping it's gone by the time he gets back. It infuriates me that people have the audacity to shit all over such a wonderful thread, and I'm really glad I waited for the thread to develop instead of sending the link immediately.

If I may suggest, from my own impressions of Andreus, he was accustomed to his life and his identity being somewhat of a lightening rod for discussion. I do not think he would have shied away from the discussion as it developed, in that it has served to reveal facets not so much of his life as of those who comment. To be honest, I don't think he would have minded a bit. He would have cared, but not have been in the least dissuaded from letting the thread progress.
i am VERY heated right now. a mixture of sleep deprivation and having eaten anything within almost 24 hours and something that JUST happened just now really has me..... fucking heated.

okay, i went over to east orange general hospital ready to do the whole fucking walk in registration process. FIRST OFF, FUCK ALL THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS OVER THERE. THEY'RE PLAYING FUCKING GAMES. THEY'RE PLAYING MOTHERFUCKING GAMES!!! it's FUCKING ridiculous how when you need help and all. these FUCKING greedy, cunt faced, good for nothing son of a bitches have to fucking put a price tag on it and when it's for free, they want to fucking give you HELL for that shit. like i literally was told by the staff woman in that bitch that the earliest i would get an appointment is on fucking feburary. they told me about the whole walk in process thing. i called them on tuesday and they were ready to do this whole hide and seek bullshit with me on the phone. like what the fuck man. either you fucking have it or you don't. don't fucking waste my time. i'm not going to run back and forth with you son of a bitches and assholes because you're like whatever. telling me all this bullshit on the floor. telling me to go to this spot, this floor or whatever AND then i come in and you motherfuckers tell me some bullshit.

for real, these people MAKE you feel bad for helping yourself or giving a fuck about yourself. i swear. like it reminds me of how my family or my mom was when i came out to her. even though she didn't spaz on me and was disappointed and it didn't go as bad as i thought it was, for a moment, she made me feel bad about being gay. even now, i have her and my brother telling me that i should stay in the closet and keep my business to myself. they don't want me to come out to any family or any of my friends. :( this is very similar. my mom, whenever i have a fucking problem or whatever, instead of dealing with it, she has had a history of telling me to "ride it out". "fuji, you should ride it out. there's nothing wrong with you. you're faking it. you want attention. your father said he experienced the same fucking thing you have". almost like she's taking the fucking mickey out of me. i HATE it when people fucking play with me or put down my word when i'm being dead ass serious then they look at me like in all shock when they go like "wow, you weren't playing" or "i thought you were joking". THE FUCK AM I TO YOU? i'm not a fucking comedian. i just want these people to treat me like a fucking human being.

i'm sick and tired of going up to these fucking mental health spots, spilling my guts out to them, begging for fucking help and etc then they make me feel BAD for even saying that shit to them or even showing up. i HATE it when people tell me to NOT be me, to NOT say how i feel, and etc THEN they wonder why i'm online venting, ranting, spazzing out, threatening to whip certain people's asses testing me and basically being a fucking ticking time bomb waiting to go off. i'm keeping the hope that one day, i'll be able to get all this bullshit straightened out because this feels like hell and it's really hard sometimes to not drag certain people into it. that could easily happen and to tell you the truth, i wouldn't feel bad either. they deserve it for fucking playing me out. if you think my misery is a joke or something to laugh at, i'll bring MY drama to your doorstep and we'll see how funny it is when it's YOUR problem.

okay, i'm done.
I feel horrendously creeped out right now. Don't ask me how or why, but I came across this youtube video of this frighteningly deranged Adam Lambert fangirl moping and whining about how he spurned her advances. She claims she's "trying to be a good girlfriend" to him, and that he should be more of a loving boyfriend to her.

I already mentioned in another thread how the Celeb-stalker types give me the willies, and by watching about 40 seconds of some fangirl's youtube video, I've delved way deeper into the psyche of one of these people than I ever cared to.

It shouldn't bother me, but it gave me one of those "WHY ARE PEOPLE LIKE THIS OH GOD" moments - the kind that make you want to lock yourself in your room and stop dealing with humanity.

She must be the only person on the planet that doesn't know he's gay.
it seems like the same people that don't think about my feelings, disrespecting me, and how much they at times annoy me have the nerve to demand me to show them the same kind of courtesy. :LOL: it's as if they show the upmost disrespect towards me and act or have the nerve to wonder why i get mad at them or want to beat the shit out of them whenever i get the chance. they tell me that i should tolerate it or make me out to be wrong for showing them the same shit they show me. one of these days, one of them is going to get it and i honestly wouldn't feel any type of remorse either. they deserve it and they should be happy that i'm taking time out of my day to ruin theirs. fuck them.
My husband is in Uganda for the next month, I haven't gone a month without sex since I was 14... So I'm not too happy about that. :mad:
okay, i went over to east orange general hospital ready to do the whole fucking walk in registration process. FIRST OFF, FUCK ALL THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS...

At least you're trying. Hard. Mental healthcare in this country is so ass-backwards, though, having never recovered from the Ronald Reagan defunding of all(?) federal subsidies toward it and, of course, the industry is run by very highly paid professionals.

One has to be rich to get good mental care, or perhaps be fortunate and happen to find the right people.

My wishes are with you on this, and remain so.
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