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Hard time watching Hunger Games


Sex God
Jul 30, 2006
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I know this movie made many hundreds of millions of dollars at the box office and the books are popular but I'm having a hard time trying to watch this thing lol. I just can't get on board with a post apocalyptic world where young kids fight each other to the death. It's just not realistic that nobody in that world would stand up and say this shit is wrong. Instead people are acting like the kids are going on Dancing With the Stars or something lol.

I'm not being sensitive because I love to see people get slaughtered, mostly people who deserve it, but these are young kids. I guess a story has to be semi-believable for me to enjoy it. I'm 30 minutes into it so far but I think I'm gonna hate this thing lol.
I haven't even WANTED to see the movie...

But the books are AWESOME!!! (y)

I think you'd feel a lot more connected to the story if you chose the book route...

I haven't even WANTED to see the movie...

But the books are AWESOME!!! (y)

I think you'd feel a lot more connected to the story if you chose the book route...


I don't see how I could get into the book either since it's the same plot, kids fight to the death, unless the people are trying to fight against that.
I don't see how I could get into the book either since it's the same plot, kids fight to the death, unless the people are trying to fight against that.

I haven't seen the movie -- so I cannot criticize it...

But -- YES -- the people ARE and HAVE BEEN trying to fight against it...

What I can say, is that the books explain in detail the inner turmoil and humanity of the characters that I cannot see a film portraying...

It is STILL hard to stomach -- but an interesting study in human nature... (y)

I guess that was what I was TRYING to say in the previous post... :LOL:

"Realistic" isn't a good word to criticize a movie that's fiction.

Still, one must be able to suspend disbelief to enjoy a work of fiction.

Take Cars 2, for example. I enjoyed Cars but the sequel couldn't hold me past the opening where a car climbs vertically (90° angle) up the column of an oil rig. I could "accept" that the cars were talking but that vertical climb was more than I could brush aside. :LOL:
^My Constitutional Law professor drove a Range Rover and SWORE that it could climb a 90 degree climb...

I couldn't figure out the logistics of that either... :rotflmao:


I do not get the opening premise of this Thread.

Pretty much the whole movie they are talking/showing how bad this is and that people do not want it.

It is the Lottery in movie form.
The only people that "like" the situation are those in power trying to control the populace by using it.

If I hadn't read the books first, I think I'd have had a hard time understanding the motivations for the characters' actions.
^My Constitutional Law professor drove a Range Rover and SWORE that it could climb a 90 degree climb...

I couldn't figure out the logistics of that either... :rotflmao:


Range Rovers can't drive up a 90 degree climb but if they have a winch fitted they can winch themselves up it.
i think that battle royale catches the psychosociological theme much better.
while i see hunger games more cliche-like etc., battle royale represents much better the actions of real teenagers in an imaginated state of emergency...
^ have to agree there. Battle Royale shows the kids under extreme pressure and terrified. When the kids in hunger Games are about to be released to their likely death, they look about as worried as they would going into a school test they haven't revised for.