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On the importance of dental hygiene.



so just had my 3rd visit in 14 days to my dentist - had a [STRIKE]bit[/STRIKE] lot of toothache and went to get it checked out.

Haven't been there in a while, it must be said... not that I'm a little wussy or anything, but I am not hugely keen on the enormous array of sharp hooked nightmares he keeps in that drawer. I cannot believe that so many different poky/proddy things and different drill bits actually exist in one place...

Nevertheless, he said the magic words - Root Canal. I was patched up and the canal was scheduled for a week later. It hurt like hell afterwards - with all the pulling and scraping and stuff, it felt like he'd smashed my jaw with a steamroller. It was given a week to "settle" before today's finish-up to make sure there was no infections or whatever.

It's mid-winter here in .za, which is a great pity since my dentist is a two-minute drive from the beach. I usually schedule appointments around the weather so I can take lunch in the sun there after I have been drilled and filled (my teeth, not me). The last two visits have all been in the pissing rain and no beach-going possible, but the sun is shining and so I went there afterwards to recuperate.

The plus is that the beach is the local unofficial nude beach (and also a notorious cruising spot - not that I'm that kind of guy; at least, not often) and so I actually managed an hour's worth of light tanning to give me a jump on the coming summer. The beach was basically deserted, so I got naked and even splashed about in the waves while making sure I didn't get caught in a rip with the tide going out.

I avoided any activity with the lunchtime cruising crowd when they arrived, though, although frolicking about with one's knob out does tend to garner a certain level of interest from the horny clothed masses.

However, it is something I hope to not repeat - at a cost of two thousand rand, which is a large chunk of change, it put the anal into root canal.

Right - back to work, the lot of you!

Yuck. I hate dentists. (Sorry, it is nothing personal.)

And, yuck, I do it on the dot. Every 3 months. Pro-cleaning, total check-up.

All the works. I could have easily bought a small flat for what I had put into my perfect teeth, so far. Yet, hardly anything is more important than perfect teeth.

For anything.

I enjoy going to my dentist. every 3 months. never had side effects from a root canal I had or from the root planing.
.I thought that was you I saw but didn't recognize you right off without yur clothes haha........

Was that you who asked me for a cigarette, but who I think was asking discreetly for something extra? It was the way he stood rubbing his crotch and all while I was air-drying...

You know, the smell of a dentist office starts getting me sick, far before I even see the "madman dentist" himself.
You know, I haven't been there in eight months (6 months being the usual interval for a visit). I should call again - see if that one wisdom tooth I have left needs to be pulled. Oh, and I should call the hospital to make an appointment for the test results. And I should call my podiatrist - need to have my orthopaedic soles checked.

I think I may be falling apart... ;)
2000.00 ZAR = $279.75 USD

You should consider yourself lucky. My last dentist visit was approiximately $1100.00 USD (7867.58 ZAR) and I take very good care of my choppers.
I don't have to worry about dentists anymore. When I was 22 and in Jail my teeth were knocked out for me, so I could be forced to suck without bitting.
^^ however, they are usually in the realm of 400-600 ZAR depending on procedure done.

I have officially spent more in one sitting on one tooth than on anything else in my entire life ever, apart from college fees and a plane ticket. My medical aid is usually quite good with this, though, although I have never had to submit a root canal to them.

I don't have to worry about dentists anymore. When I was 22 and in Jail my teeth were knocked out for me, so I could be forced to suck without bitting.

Oh, sweet Jesus, I hope you are kidding about the teeth knocked out.
It was driven home to me from an early age, take care of your teeth, if you go twice a year, as I do and flaus regularly, the rewards far out match any dentist pain. Keep em white as well.
^^ however, they are usually in the realm of 400-600 ZAR depending on procedure done.

I have officially spent more in one sitting on one tooth than on anything else in my entire life ever,...d-

I had an implant done recently on a molar. It was a deformed tooth that had been capped years ago. First there was the extraction...painful as hell. Then a bone graph, fun, fun, fun... then the post implanted, more joy.

The whole lot cost more than I care to remember and insurance didn't pick-up the whole tab.

Actually, you can see my old cap in one of my gallery pictures. Wow, I guess I do open my mouth when I smile...and the other way 'round.
going to the dentist is one of those things that hurts less if you go more often.

remember to floss at least every day!!(!) (!) (!)
I'm obsessed with teeth. I go to the dentist once every four months for a scaling, deep cleaning and gum massage (Than God for insurance!)

No fillings or cavities since I had baby teeth and no braces thanks to a couple of extractions...Wisdom teeth.

The first thing I notice about a guy is his choppers...Well after the ass and the package.
Also, lets us not forget how it effects your breath. No one likes to kiss someone with fowl breath.
Bad oral hygiene = bad breath
every 3 months.

How can you afford that? I went to a dentist once because my I felt like my gums would degenerate, but she sent me home telling me I worry too much.
I gotta say I'm surprised the dental aspect of my tale of woe got more response than my trip to the nude beach...

Note to self: give everyone on JUB an extra point on the mind-in-the-gutter scale.
